Google studies our behavior all the time. Facebook and Amazon observe our preferences and accordingly provide us with the right kind of messages. With constant feeding of the customer data and a whole range of other information, the machines have started learning and acquiring knowledge of their own. Alexa is a glaring example.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are bringing in the next phase of the computing revolution when the majority of our intelligent decisions can be automated. Eventually, when most of the machines or utility appliances will be interconnected through Internet of Things (IoT), they will gather more data to process and gather more intelligence to serve us better.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is therefore going to be a high growth industry in the next decade.

Industry Uses

Thus AI has a huge potential in many business applications such as in e-commerce where it will assist us in making intelligent choices based on our past purchasing history, as in Amazon online shopping, as also through virtual shopping assistants or chatbots in online retail shopping.

AI can also help us in preventing credit card fraud and identifying fake online reviews.

AI is also heavily used by Uber and logistics companies to find out easy routes and avoiding heavy traffic and improving operational efficiency.

These days, AI is also extensively used to analyze vast amounts of historical data to generate solutions for the early detection of diseases and also to discover new drugs.

AI finds extensive use in various other fields such as automobiles, marketing, agriculture, gaming, social media, the legal profession, robotics, etc.

Top Companies

Many companies are providing their Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning through their popular cloud platforms. According to Datamation (, the leaders among them are:

  • Amazon Web Service (AWS)
  • Google Cloud platform
  • IBM Cloud
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Alibaba Cloud

While there are a large number of prominent AI vendors, there are some companies in this field who are known for their innovativeness, such as:

  • OpenAI
  • Vicarious
  • Ubiquity6
  • AIBrain
  • CloudMinds
  • DataRobot
  • Affectiva
  • UiPath
  • Algorithmia
  • Deepmind
  • Domino Data Lab
  • Narrative Science
  • Sherpa.Ai
  • Xanadu
  • Butterfly Network

Market Size

According to Tractica, a part of market research firm Omdia (, the global AI market is expected to reach a revenue of 118 billion dollars by 2025.

Learning Resources

According to, in addition to the course by LinkedIn Learning, the following are the 11 best courses on Artificial Intelligence:

  1. Artificial Intelligence Tools and Concepts by LinkedIn Learning (
  2. AI Programming with Python Nanodegree (Udacity)
  3. AI For Everyone by Andrew Ng (Coursera)
  4. AI & Machine Learning Engineering Career Track (Springboard)
  5. Artificial Intelligence for Trading Nanodegree (Udacity)
  6. Artificial Intelligence A-Z: Learn How to Build an AI (Udemy)
  7. ColumbiaX’s Artificial Intelligence MicroMasters Program (edX)
  8. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (edX)
  9. Google AI Education
  10. Artificial Intelligence: Reinforcement Learning in Python (Udemy)
  11. The Beginner’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence in Unity (Udemy)

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