No one really expects us to become super human beings in order to become extraordinary in our life.

All we need to do is to accept our current situation in life, whatever it may be, and then take full responsibility for it. Let us remember one eternal rule of living our life. Whatever we resist, persists!

What I really mean by this is that by accepting our present situation in life and taking responsibility for it, we now make peace with our past and only then can we look forward and start taking action to change our present situation which is not to our liking.

We stop brooding about our past and stop blaming people, circumstances etc. for our failure or any lack of progress and set forward to take some concrete actions that will elevate us to a level that we are aspiring for. This way we can energize ourselves and start finding ways and means to achieve our dreams.

We stop carrying any backlog of regret and negative feelings and start writing a different and a much better life story for ourselves.

From being ordinary to extraordinary

Let us remember that all the people whom we tend to describe as extraordinary people, at some point in time, were all ordinary people like you and me.

Therefore, invariably all of them, through their unshakable faith in themselves and through acquiring new knowledge or learning new things coupled with their extraordinary efforts over a sustained period of time, really managed to become extraordinary.

It is not just because they wanted to become extraordinary at something but because they followed their passion and their heart to do something so extraordinarily well that they can fulfill their passion and achieve their dreams.

Follow your purpose and your passion

Now, can we not follow their path and strive to do the same to follow our purpose and our passion, to become somebody like them? Of course, we can! But why should we do all these when we can live an easy life, just by being ordinary? Good question but at the same time, pardon me for saying so, it is also a very silly question.

When we are opting for an easy life that most of us want to have for the rest of our life, we are actually allowing us to embrace a very hard life for ourselves and for our family members and often, a very pathetic kind of life, because we can literally run out of our luck or money or time.

Therefore, easy life is always temporary. The extraordinary people always take up the path of consistent improvements in their skills or knowledge or their circle of influence, that keep them at their best for most part of their life. But a large number of them would have begun their journey from a very ordinary or rather underprivileged situation in life.

No great guy had an easy past

We all know of Michael Jordan, considered to be the greatest basketball player of all time. There is another such great basketball player of recent times, LeBron Raymone James, who is an American professional basketball player for Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association. His accomplishments include three NBA championships, four NBA Most Valuable Player Awards, three NBA Finals MVP Awards, and two Olympic Gold Medals, among many more such achievements.

James’s father had an extensive criminal record and was not involved in his life. His mother, Gloria, had to struggle to find a steady job to support the family. In spite of having such humble beginning, he was ranked by Forbes as one of the world’s most influential athletes, and in 2017, he was listed by Time as one of the 100 most influential people in the world.

Imagine the kind of hardships and struggle that he had to go through in his early life. This could have been one of the reasons that he ultimately became one of the greatest basketball players, through his determination, hard work, extreme passion for his sport and certainly, owing to his undaunted spirit to succeed in the face of adversity.

We become extraordinary only through such extraordinary efforts and determination to succeed against all odds. Many of us would be having less than ten percent of obstacles in life that James had to face and still we feel as if life has been quite unfair to us!

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