Home Personal Development Nobody sees the Roots below the Earth that make the branches Full...

Nobody sees the Roots below the Earth that make the branches Full of Fruits & Flowers.

Brain is God’s creation but our mind is primarily our creation, largely influenced by our parents and close relations in the beginning, and gradually further influenced by our circle of friends, other group members and the environment that we live in.

Strange that our mind is actually not fully our own but we carry this wrong notion in our head and blindly follow our mind whatever it tells us to do, often as an act of hara-kiri.

We don’t ever pause and think and challenge our own mind to find out whether it is in our best interest to listen to our mind all the time.

Seeking pleasure and avoiding pain

The problem is that it is our mind’s primary intention to keep us away from pain and make us to seek pleasure. No wonder that we often fall prey to its command and forego the opportunity of having anything better in life that requires certain discipline.

Our mind prevents us from undertaking the temporary pain of forming a new habit or following a new routine that will produce the result we seek.

Therefore, there is no point blaming the mind which has a certain way of habitual thinking. Rather, it is our job to use the same mind in a manner that will prompt us to do things in certain ways that will always produce the result we really want.

Mostly, it is our mind that is keeping us ordinary and preventing us to lead an extraordinary life. But as beautiful Rome was not built in a day, our minds will not change in a day.

Then what is the practical solution? How to change our own mind as quickly as we can? I have found out some interesting ways to achieve this seemingly impossible task.

Let us suppose you are dating a girl or a boy and you know that if you fail to impress her/him with your good manners or the way you dress for the occasion, it will be nearly impossible for you to win his or her heart.

Now, you will make some extra effort and will try to make some changes in your existing routine, to do that. You will not hesitate to overrule your mind’s habitual thinking and will rather conform to your new thinking, as you will not, otherwise, have the desired result.

What drives the mind?

So, what drives our mind? It is the ultimate result we are seeking. But why are we not successful most of the time? The reason is simple. We generally don’t have a burning desire to achieve something that we badly want.

Therefore, stronger the desire for getting the end result, stronger will be our intention to change our thinking and our habits to ensure getting that end result.

The conformity trap

But again, there is a catch! It is the conformity trap!

Let me explain. We may certainly have a strong desire to achieve something in life but when we realize that we may need to pay a certain price, in terms of having to make continuous efforts to achieve that goal, we get back to our comfort zone.

We tend to justify our inaction by way of reminding ourselves that there are many others just like us, who are apparently happy with what they have. Then what is the big deal in trying to be different?

Therefore, we again fall into the trap of conformity and we never change our habits and thus we never achieve our desired goals. Our dreams remain as our wishful thinking.

The way out is to develop a self belief that we all have the same potential to become extraordinary in our life and we all can achieve our life goals, if we are ready to pay the price.

Coming out of comfort zone

In other words, we should be ready to go through certain pain initially by coming out of our comfort zone and trying out new things, if our goal is so important to us.

Once we take the first step and keep making our daily efforts, gradually it will give us small wins. Such small wins will further motivate us to keep going.

Therefore, the ploy is to set up small goals that are quite achievable in the short run which will not deter us from taking the initial actions. Gradually, our mind will start adjusting itself to the new reality and will accept our new behavior as our new norm!

When mind changes, everything changes

When mind changes for better, everything changes for the better. Like the roots under the soil, nobody can see such changes taking place in our mind that we need to constantly nurture because it is our mind and our new thinking pattern that brings us closer to our goals.

Now we know why we should deliberately sow the seeds of abundance in a child’s mind so that when the child grows up, he or she would know how being rich in life can give all of us so much of financial freedom that can free us to pursue our other interests in life, rather than chasing money all the time.

If you have kids, please keep telling them that it is their responsibility to become rich for themselves and for the family. Certainly, making money ethically! As far as we are concerned, we should show them the ways and opportunities all around them!

Imagine, if all of us had such parents! We would have certainly taken up money making more seriously and as a result, we would certainly have been much better off financially, than what we are today!

We all know that money is not everything in life but let us drop any argument on this now, for us to proceed further.

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