Home Personal Development Mind without Fear – take every chance and drop every fear.

Mind without Fear – take every chance and drop every fear.

Let us all face it. The economic environment in a country is the same for everyone living in that country. But if there is a recession, some percentage of population will still manage to do well while majority will have to bear the brunt of it.

Therefore, life is ten percent what happens to us and ninety percent how we react to it.

Such people have trained their mind to react to life situations in a positive manner and act accordingly so that they not only can survive during difficult periods but come out as winners. We have got to train our mind to be stronger than our initial habitual reaction, to figure out what is the best available option in a given situation and then just start taking actions, as per our new way of thinking.

If we can train our mind to react in such manner, we become extraordinary.

Fear of uncertainty

The fear of uncertainty is the greatest hindrance that holds us back. This is a natural reaction most of us face. But since we always aspire to achieve our life goals, we hope for the best. However, our hope remains a wishful thinking.

This wishful thinking is what keeps us ordinary while by nature, we all have inherent talents to become extraordinary in any situation.

How do we overcome this fear of uncertainty?

The primary reason is our fear of failure. The word ‘failure’ has a very negative connotation, rather, it has become a stigma in our society. This is due to our utter lack of understanding of this word.

We need to understand that every success is preceded by several attempts that may end up with failure to get the desired result, but are the essential stepping stones leading to the success. It is very rare for someone to get the desired result with the very first attempt, unless it is something easy or is a matter of routine practice.

However, those who get success are the ones who keep learning from their every attempt and keep doing the same with better precision or better insight obtained from the previous so called failures or, even with a different strategic approach.

The high achievers are always mentally prepared to fail several times in their quest for finding solutions to their problems and hence they are extraordinary by nature which anyone can copy so as to become one of such high achievers.

Having faith in ourselves

Where did such extraordinary people find their energy? This energy is basically inherent in all of us but we often fail to utilize it for our lack of motivation. This can be loosely translated as having lack of self confidence or lack of faith in our own abilities.

Luckily, for all of us, self confidence can be easily developed through more study of the causes underlying the problem that is bothering us and then go on to find solutions by studying more on the subject, taking help of all those who are already experts or those who have already demonstrated their knowledge and success in that particular area.

More we learn and apply our learning to find our solutions, more we develop our self confidence. However, while doing so, it will greatly help if we constantly remind us of our own unlimited potential.

Thus with greater self confidence, which is nothing but strongly believing in our own human potential, achieving our goals or targets becomes that much easier over time. Moreover, more action we take, more chances we get to proceed towards our success and more self confident we become.

Can we therefore conclude this part by saying that developing self confidence is more of a process. But we should be ready to undergo this process, in our journey to become extraordinary in our life.

Information is freely available

We have embarked upon an era where information and expert advice on most of the subjects are almost freely available and thus finding opportunities, whether for jobs or for business or for any other personal interest, is a matter of few clicks on the internet.

The ones among us with open mind to explore opportunities for themselves will take full advantage of free information and if necessary will also invest in learning new skills that can help them to achieve their goals.

It is interesting that all successful extraordinary people were just plain ordinary folks, before they had gone ahead to learn new skills and master such skills to become extraordinary and thus ultimately become heroes in the eyes of rest of us.

With so much help at our beck and call and with so many successful people all around us who would have started their life journey from humble beginnings, where is the fear of uncertainty and the fear of failure?

Coming out of comfort zone

All we need doing is to deliberately come out of our ‘comfort zone’ and start taking action on a continuous basis towards achieving our goals and possibly fail repeatedly to learn and evolve more as an extraordinary person.

It is more important to become extraordinary person in this process, than actually achieving our immediate goal we have in mind, which may be just a matter of time, once we transform ourselves.

Would you like to know how the extraordinary people are all lucky people? Because luck is like a Bus! It keeps coming to the same bus stop over and over again. But if we are not prepared with either sufficient money for the bus fare or with some degree of physical fitness to board that bus, we would always miss the bus!

Therefore, unless we prepare ourselves sufficiently beforehand, opportunities will come and go, in some form or the other, but we would never be lucky enough to grab that opportunity. Now we know why some people are very lucky while a large majority of us are not!

How to be lucky?

There are some more practical tips for being lucky.

1.We should try taking small risks, continuously – intellectual, emotional, social, financial or physical, as per our ability.

2.We should develop a habit of appreciating others, send ‘Thank You’ notes, whenever someone helps us in any manner.

3.We should always look for new ideas, good or bad and try to explore possibilities hidden within each idea.

If we can follow all these three principles, our luck quotient will increase exponentially over a period. We can rest assured of getting unexpected good results!

According to ‘2018 Emerging Jobs Report’ by LinkedIn, Artificial Intelligence has become all pervasive in various kinds of businesses and as a result, 6 out of top 15 emerging jobs are closely related to job skills in artificial intelligence which witnessed 190% increase from 2015 to 2017, across the globe!

Therefore, it is no wonder that the number of jobs related to Data Science and Machine Learning are having exponential growth in the recent years and it will continue to grow faster than the total supply of such talents in the job market. Although there is another new skill that is also high in demand, which is Blockchain Technology and few others.

Therefore, lucky are the ones who are already preparing themselves with all such new skills and will be the first to be chosen for a new job whenever there are any such job vacancies.

This is one of the primary traits of extraordinary people that anyone of us can emulate, to become one among them.

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