Without understanding these basic principles of life, most of us must be spending our life like a ship without a rudder. Most of us don’t even know that we are actually direction less and hence we are not reaching anywhere but paddling in the same pool of water, for most part of our life.

Therefore, understanding such principles are so critical in our life! In the early nineties, I had read a book written by Dr.Wayne W. Dyer, called ‘The Real Magic’, which literally opened my eyes to develop a basic understanding of the principles of life. The same author had written a book called ‘Your Erroneous Zones’ which was a big multi-million copy bestseller.

Here I am quoting him again in this chapter because nobody other than Dr.Wayne Dyer can explain such fundamental principles of life in such simple manner and provide practical tips to make our life almost magical.

Earlier, while talking about our self-image or self-concept, we had discussed only about our ‘outer self-concept’. By this, we mean our general physical abilities, our appearance, our own attitude to various things in life and our basic human qualities that more or less define us as a specific human being.

Inner Self-Concept

But Dr.Wayne also talked about our having an ‘inner self- concept’. The inner self-concept not only involves our own belief system but also about our invisible energy and being part of a super intelligence source that is all pervasive. It is like a ‘ghost in the machine’. The machine is our body and it’s organs with all it’s five senses. But the ghost in the machine is the invisible “I” that we term as our mind or spirit that produces our thoughts that run the whole machine!

We all know, based on our self-concept, what is our mind is capable of doing or not doing. But if we explore further to find out the source of our mind that is capable of manifesting miracles, then it may be worthwhile going a bit deeper into this subject to find out whether any such possibility exists for ordinary human beings like us.

Our Higher Self

For this, we must begin by replacing our old set of truths with a belief in the existence of a higher self within all of us. But our current concept of ourselves that includes many limitations in our abilities can be revised only by us once we understand the whole mechanism of it.

Here we are trying to understand the concept that we are actually the co-creators of our life. Once we develop an intense burning desire to be transformed into someone capable of producing astonishing results, for example, like Olympic gold medalists, some inner power comes to our assistance to make such things possible.

For such a thing to happen, we must learn to tame our monkey mind, through a breathing exercise, meditation, yoga, etc., and then be able to really pause and observe our wide range of thoughts running in our mind 24×7 and then pick or choose only those thoughts that really serve our particular purpose and keep focusing only on those selected pieces of thoughts.

It is only through a constant habit of choosing thoughts and ideas that serve our purpose in feeling good and powerful, that we can elevate ourselves to a higher level of consciousness. Magic in life will begin to play out from that moment of this self-realization.

The extraordinary people draw their inspiration from that higher level of consciousness. For few gifted individuals this can happen quite unconsciously or rather naturally. For the rest of us, we would require to develop that level of consciousness through constant practice.

Therefore we need to redefine our self concept by challenging everything that we have held to be true for us and thereby placing no limits and no restrictions on all that we want to accomplish in our life. We won’t be able to eliminate all the negative thoughts appearing in our mind from time to time, but being more self aware and by being observant of our ongoing chain of thoughts, we should be in a position to totally ignore such negative thoughts, ultimately making them redundant.

God Within Us

Thus by understanding the inner self-concept, we are able to entertain the idea of an unlimited higher self that is within all of us. This is God within us. If this idea becomes not too palatable or becomes difficult to comprehend, let us assume that a spark – a tiny fragment of the creative source (God) of the universe, the all encompassing energy, is also located within all of us.

This higher self (this kingdom of heaven is within) is about serving, loving and being in a non-judgmental state of peace. With this new knowledge, we should be able to use affirmations such as, “I am all-knowing, I am all powerful, I am unlimited”. As we now know that we are not just our body with it’s five senses, we need to realign ourselves with our higher self so that our ‘I am’ reflect the God within us, rather than the ego, that most of us has become. Through such regular affirmations, we can create a miracle mind set for achieving anything that we set out to accomplish in our life.

I am quoting some very useful points from Dr.Wayne’s book, Wishes Fulfilled, as a broad guideline for putting it into practice, on daily basis.

  1. Taking charge of our imagination – if all that now exists was once imagined, then what we want to exist for us in the future, must now be imagined.
  2. By believing passionately in something that does not yet exist, we create it. What we think about all day long, with conviction, comes to our reality.
  3. Never place any thought in your imagination, that you would not want to materialize (that’s why our fears and anxieties often appear in our reality without our ever wanting them).
  1. Never allow someone else’s ideas about what is possible or impossible for you, how you should be thinking, or who you should be.
  2. If you want to elevate your life and become a manifester, then you have to change what you have believed to be true for yourself, which has landed you where you are today.
  3. The ultimate ‘secret’ of manifesting what you want in life is to have a conviction, what we call ‘knowing’, that what you are aspiring for is what is already available to you. It is only a matter of time for it to materialize, at an appropriate time.
  4. Please don’t ever wonder as to how such things will materialize. Leave that ‘how’ mechanism to the universe and maintain your strong faith and visualization to hasten the whole process. The universe will begin to conspire with you to fulfill your wishes. Carl Jung called this phenomenon synchronicity – a collaboration with the fate that seems to take place with strange and wonderful ‘coincidences’ happening.

Living From The End

Therefore, live from the end – by which you are creating an ideal of what you want to be and assuming that you already are that person. Let go of all doubt. Forget about when and forget about how.

If you believe in things like ‘like attracts like’, then the absolute best way to attract what’s best for you, is to love yourself to the point where you are filled with love, and will only attract to your life everything that confirms this belief about yourself. It is that simple!

By far the most important point is our feelings. The universe doesn’t understand our language but only our feelings that we associate with our imagination or visualization. If we want to obtain something in life, we need to have a realization as if we already have received that object or have experienced that situation, with all our feelings of joy and the associated senses involved, i.e., our joyful feelings associated with seeing, hearing, touching, our verbal expressions or smelling our object of desire or the situation that we want to have in our life.

We should imagine things in a manner that we can associate most of our sensory perceptions and our feelings with our imagination. This way we would be able to make our imagination more realistic and that much easy for it to manifest for us. Thus we make the shift from believing to knowing, and what we absolutely know, is not tinged with any doubt. This way, we can activate the power of our joyful mind to attract good fortune, at all times. 

We should therefore utilize our pre-sleep moments to assume the feeling in our body of whatever wishes we desire as already fulfilled. This will be a reminder to our subconscious to automatically fulfill our life-enhancing wishes.

Gratitude Makes Things Happen

Lastly, we should always be in a state of gratitude for all that we are currently experiencing and all that we are in the process of manifesting, and remain humble for all that comes our way.

Our individual human potential to fulfill our wishes is limitless and it is absolutely possible for all of us to realize all the good things in life and to have a wonderful experience of life through this realization that ‘God or Infinite Intelligence or Universal Energy’ is within us, as it is outside of us, and we can activate that energy to get miraculous results in our life.

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