Home Personal Development The Power of our Sub-Conscious Mind: the ‘God’ within

The Power of our Sub-Conscious Mind: the ‘God’ within

Like a computer that comes preloaded with an operating system, we also come preloaded with our operating system for running all our internal survival mechanisms involving our respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system, etc. without which we cannot survive.

Some invisible intelligence runs the mechanisms of our whole body without any active intervention by us. Every such system within our body runs on auto-pilot mode. Our conscious mind enables us to take any conscious decision to decide whether we should think and perform a certain activity in a certain manner, as per our individual choices.

But who runs our internal organs and also manages their coordination in an interdependent manner, with such a great degree of perfection, throughout our lifetime?

Our sub-conscious mind

We have a sub-conscious mind that seems to be taking control of all such functions. Science has not yet come out with a definitive answer as to how our heart starts beating when we are inside our mother’s womb and how all the organs start functioning on their own in a preprogrammed manner.

As described by Dr.Bruce Lipton, we are all made in the image of the universe. Each body cell’s unique set of identity receptors are located on the cell membrane’s outer surface, where they act as ‘antennas’, downloading complementary environmental signals. These identity receptors read a signal of ‘self’, which does not exist within the cell but comes from the external environment.

Let us consider our human body to be a TV set. We are the image on the screen. Now, if the TV set is broken, does the image die along with the TV set? No. Because if we bring another TV and tune in to the particular TV station, we will continue to receive the image. The death of the TV as receiver in no way killed the identity broadcast that comes from the environment. Therefore, the cell’s receptors are not the source of its identity but the vehicle by which the ‘self’ is downloaded from the environment.

If certain Tom’s body dies and in future a new individual (a new TV set, as in the example) is born who has the same exact set of identity receptors, that new individual will be downloading ‘Tom’.

Because the environment represents ‘all that is’ (we may call it God, or by any other term) and our self-receptor antennas download only a small narrow band of the whole spectrum, we all represent a small part of the whole……. a small part of God.

Access the ‘infinite intelligence’

Therefore, just imagine, if we can access even a tiny part of our sub-conscious mind and can direct it to do apparently impossible tasks for us, we can really create miracles in our life.

The ‘yogis’ can do such miracles and if they can do it, we too can do it, with certain yogic practices. Well, I am not here to write about any yogic science or yogic practices but learning from the experts in this field, all I can vouch for, that just through regular meditation we can calm down the noise in our ‘monkey mind’ which keeps shifting from one thought to the other and thus can think better with more clarity and can take better decisions.

Experts say, when our mind is at complete rest after a session of meditation, whatever we wish for or intend to bring it into our real life, it sets the pace of the magical process of materializing our wishes, since it is at such moment of having a calm mind, that we can have direct access to our subconscious mind, that is part of the ‘infinite intelligence’ or the energy of the intelligent system that is running everything within and around us.

Miracles within our reach

When we reach this level of the state of our mind, it is also known as the super-conscious mind. With repetition, we proceed towards our wish fulfillment. That is why having a vision and making constant efforts through meditation, visualization and our conscious efforts to achieve our goals is so important.

Extraordinary people either do it consciously or sub-consciously because of their superior structure of their mind (superior thinking ability) and get dramatic success in their life. Rest of us need to learn this process and do it consciously by way of forming new habits to incorporate such practices in our daily life in order to achieve as miraculously as the extraordinary people can do.

Again, to repeat, there is no difference between the inherent ability of the extraordinary people and that of the rest. Every human being on this earth is born with extraordinary qualities but we gradually keep losing such qualities as we grow up due to wrong kind of programming.

Therefore, we need to undergo some sort of ‘scanning for viruses’ that we have accumulated so far and then re-learn the whole process to function and behave to become extraordinary again.

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