Home Personal Development Visualizing with all our Sensory Perceptions

Visualizing with all our Sensory Perceptions

It is an open secret that we tend to materialize our imagination into either object that we want to possess or the favourable situations that we want to have in our lives, primarily through our strong visualization.

This is what all extraordinary people practice in their daily life, knowingly or unknowingly, that is sub-consciously.

The secret is to visualize through imagining exactly what we want to see in our life in terms of images of objects of our desire, associated with sound, smell, touch, and our likely feeling of joy as if we have already received what we eventually want to have.

The more we associate all the sensory feelings with our imagination, the stronger becomes our chances of materializing such things or situations in our life.

At this point, one is quite likely to get skeptical and thus brush it off as plain stupid, because it is difficult to prove such things very scientifically as to how we tend to attract things into our life through such a process.

But indeed, all of us would have experienced such phenomenon in our lives in varying degrees, even if for small matters in our daily life, when we expect something with a sense of certainty and it materializes like a miracle.

Let me elaborate on this phenomenon to clear out certain contradictions that all of us are likely to have while dealing with this subject.

The power of imagination

The power of imagination is the greatest gift that we human beings enjoy but let us also remember that it also acts as a double-edged sword. When we keep imagining something with fear or that we want to avoid at all cost, which is a strong negative emotion, God says “Your wish is granted”, metaphorically speaking, and we unintentionally attract such negative outcomes to appear in our life.

On the contrary, if we keep imagining or visualizing something with great conviction that it will materialize, as if it is our birthright or as if we already possess it in our mind, we end up attracting such good fortune to show up in our real life.

The problem is that we often lack total conviction to back up our good intentions, possibly either because we feel that we may not really deserve it or we keep doubting our own abilities to materialize anything through our visualization.

Therefore, whenever we lack conviction, we fail to realize our dreams, and hence such dreams or objects of desire always remain as our wishful thinking! Moreover, whenever we lack conviction, we also lack the motivation to take any appropriate action to follow through.

Ultimately, it is the ‘emotional feeling’ of possessing our objects of desire, even without actually possessing them, that is the secret recipe for actualizing our vision. We must begin with a belief and then act as if that which we believe or visualize were already our reality.

It is a mind game

Let us understand and just know that the entire universe is an intelligent system and our thoughts and feelings are also part of that system. Let us not fool ourselves but let us have complete trust or full faith in that intelligent system and therefore create an openness to the possibility of having our wishes fulfilled through this intelligent system.

Once we know and choose to use this super-intelligent universal force, we become extraordinary with the help of this power which is not external but is actually inherent within us, as we are all part of that universal intelligence or all-pervading energy, enveloping the entire universe.

In other words, if ‘God’ is outside of us then ‘God’ is also within us. The ‘kingdom of heaven’ is lying within us. Hence, we are our own miracle makers. The outside ‘reality’ is a mirror image of our internal thought processes and feelings.

Think from the end

If we look at things from a practical point of view, let us think from the end, like in a movie.

Let us think of the last scene. Let us strongly visualize the end result that we are aspiring for and then try to find out ways and means to reach that stage. It may not guarantee total success but it will certainly take us closer to the result that we are aspiring for! Frankly, it has worked for me many times quite miraculously. For you, I am sure, it will work out for really big things!

Let us recognize our true potential which is actually limitless, and thus try to awaken this magical power within us to accomplish extraordinary things in our life. Please don’t abandon this idea as some freakish sermon. Let us all try to go beyond our ‘logic’ or our so-called logical thinking which may be our limitation as ordinary human beings, and try to explore possibilities lying beyond our limited imagination.

Our intention create our reality

The secret to changing our ordinary life into extraordinary is our intentions. We create our thoughts, our thoughts create our intentions and our intentions create our reality in some magical way which is way beyond the comprehension of most ordinary people like us.

The extraordinary people, like great scientists, often have expressed a feeling of being guided by some higher part of themselves whenever they have intensely sought to find a scientific solution to their problem.

Interestingly, we all have that same potential of being extraordinary in our life and being able to materialize our apparently impossible visions into our reality. If we can conceive something in our mind, then it can be brought into our physical world, if we develop the right mindset.

It is like allowing ourselves to go into another dimension that is free of the limitations of our experience in our physical world.

Feelings of contentment

It is difficult to prove scientifically but it is a fact that happy feelings of contentment invariably lead to happy real-life events & such circumstances. The same is true for unhappy feelings that lead to unhappy events, reinforcing such negative thoughts, creating a self-defeating behavior. Therefore, our thoughts and feelings should always be proactively positive and happy, to create happy events & circumstances in our life.

The invisible stuff – two persons doing the same thing, following the same process, promoting the same product but getting different results! One is a great success and the other is still struggling to get results. This is invisible stuff, but the real stuff.

The one with self-confidence, a positive attitude, and a willingness to serve others, will always have the ‘upper hand’ in any business or in any area of personal life. Let us all understand this basic principle of life.

Envision a happy outcome for 2022. Choose the carrot, not the stick. For example, rather than sternly telling yourself “I should be meditating every day” or blaming yourself for failing, try saying aloud “I feel calmer and happier when I meditate regularly”.

Reminding yourself why a change is worthwhile for 2022, can help you over the rough spots.

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