Home Personal Development Overflow with Self Love, High Self Image & Self Confidence

Overflow with Self Love, High Self Image & Self Confidence

Another primary condition to have self confidence is self love.

It may sound preposterous, but it is true. We cannot dislike ourselves and be able to achieve our goals at the same time. Our self degradation will invariably bring in all the obstacles in our way and will prevent us from achieving our goals.

It will also destroy whatever level of self confidence we may have now. On the contrary, once we start loving ourselves not just for whatever we have, but for the immense potentiality that we are carrying within us, we can suddenly start building up our own self confidence.

Our self image

This means that our self image, which is nothing but the way we see ourselves, is very important which needs to be constantly monitored so that we always think very high of our own potential to achieve anything in life. Self image has nothing to do with our current level of financial, material or emotional well being.

Self image is a declaration of our own inherent and potential power to manifest achievements in our real life through our self love, self confidence and commitment to engage in activities that will produce the results that we are aspiring for. The entire process of transforming into an extraordinary person starts with these three essential elements of our character.

Imagine that our future starts today and there is no turning back now. We cannot go back to our earlier self with our new findings, and the only way to proceed further towards our future is with our high self image, self love and self confidence.

Let me have a word of caution. There will always be a whole lot of other people, including some of our near and dear ones, to tone down our self image, in the name of being more practical. They may do so with all good intentions. But the problem is that they are judging us based upon their own self image.

Since we tend to view everything as per our own self belief, i.e., whether something is possible or not possible to achieve, they will try to impose their own limiting self belief upon us if they feel that we are overestimating our own capabilities.

Without antagonizing them, we should try to keep our own self image or self confidence completely to ourselves and keep striving for excellence in whatever that we are engaged in, to pursue our dreams.

Chase extraordinary dreams

While talking about our dreams that everyone of us like to nurture in our mind, instead of chasing ordinary dreams like most others, we should chase extraordinary dreams which should be our motto. Because as they say, the best way to predict our future is to create it and the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

We have exactly one physical life in which to do everything we will ever do during our lifetime. Therefore let’s get cracking without much ado about it. “I am ….” are two of the most powerful words, for what we put after them that shapes our reality.

If we fail, we should never give up because F.A.I.L means ‘First Attempt In Learning’. The end is not an end because E.N.D means ‘Efforts Never Die’. If we get a NO, let us remember that N.O means ‘Next Opportunity’.

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